Alarabiya News
The war between Israel and Hamas presents a multifaceted challenge, impacting not only politics and human welfare but also environmental sustainability and green energy transition.
While short term financial challenges loom, Inter maintains its dominance, outclassing numerous teams in Europe and other global mature football markets.
November 2, 2023, CXOutlook
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020, concerns are growing about how geopolitical conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, specifically in Palestine and Israel, might impact economic growth and entrepreneurship.
November 2, 2023, Environmental Journal
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest energy projections put ongoing fossil fuels expansion in Canada under the spotlight. The IEA’s World Energy Outlook report is an annual series of estimates about the supply and demand of energy in the coming years. Governments and major corporations around the world use the projections to make investment decisions.
Business 24TV
Ecco come l’attuale fragilità macroeconomica che stiamo vivendo a livello globale porterà a un aumento degli investimenti da parte dei Paesi del Golfo.
Are the U.S. and Saudi Arabia the new soccer investment powerhouses?
September 15, 2023, Ticker News
Inter Miami CF introduced Lionel Messi to fans in Florida this summer after the 36-year-old inked a multiyear contract with the club. Along with Barcelona, Messi was being pursued by a host of other clubs, including a Saudi Arabian Pro League.
Why are women in leadership positions succeeding across business, finance and politics?
September 14, 2023, Ticker News
Female-run enterprises are steadily growing all over the world, contributing to household incomes while expanding national economies. Studies show that investing in women entrepreneurs brings big payoffs financially and for society.

What is stakeholder capitalism and is it so relevant today?
September 1, 2023, FXStreet
Stakeholder capitalism accounts for serving the interests of all stakeholders, instead of just corporate shareholders and this philosophy is becoming more central to the long-term health of our economies.
UAE Places Technology At Top Of COP28 Agenda In Dubai
September 7, 2023, AL-Monitor
The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) ability to meet its renewable energy targets for COP28 depends on the widespread adoption of advanced technologies, a government official told Al-Monitor in an interview.

The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The new football investment powerhouses
August 25, 2023, Vocal Media
As I leave Chicago for Saudi Arabia, I cannot stop thinking that the two most paid and most famous footballers in the world, Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are both playing in the US and, in Saudi Arabia. This reflects the renewed interest in football from both countries.

Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway presents Q2 earnings
August 10, 2023, FXStreet
Ten years ago, I attended my first Berkshire and Hathaway shareholder’s meeting. It was a Saturday, and CEO Warren Buffett opened the annual meeting presenting the quarterly results.

Family offices: A leading investment force across the startup world is shaping the future of business
August 1, 2023, FXStreet
A family office is a company investing funds directly on behalf of the fund’s owners. Family offices are led by financial teams that invest on behalf of a single family or a small group of families also known as Multi Family Office (MFO).

A pivotal COP28 ahead and why it matters
Environmental Journal, July 10, 2023
Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, is currently traveling to participate in the 7th Ministerial on Climate Action on the road to COP28.

What Is the Climate Summit COP28? Why does it matter? And what is the United Arab Emirates objective?
The UAE leadership needs quickly to show where its ambition lies in ending the fossil fuel era and ramping up the era of renewables and green growth.

Arab Women entrepreneurs on the rise: Follow the United Arab Emirates Example
June 7, 2023, Medium
As I started working on women entrepreneurship in 2011, I was fortunate to work with formidable Arab women entrepreneurs across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

The Powerful GCC Country of Qatar continues to dominate the markets
June 7, 2023, Vocal Media
Slightly smaller than Connecticut, the Qatar peninsula is a member of the 6 countries Gulf Cooperation Council and is about 100 miles (160 km) from north to south, 50 miles (80 km) from east to west.
Andrea Zanon reflexiona sobre las reuniones anuales con Warren Buffett
May 31, 2023, Cronica
En medio del estrés económico y financiero del último año, los accionistas de Warren Buffett han llevado a cabo las reuniones anuales para discutir el rendimiento de sus inversiones y su posible afectación a largo plazo.

Warren Buffett shareholders meetings: More economic and financial pain ahead
May 9, 2023, FXStreet
Over 40000 people gathered in Omaha, Nebraska between May 4-6 for Berkshire and Hathaway’s annual shareholders meeting.

Empowering Global Communities to Make Better Decisions for Success and More Impactful Living
April 26, 2023, CXO Magazine
With 25 years of entrepreneurship, operations, sustainability and technology experience, Andrea brings a hands-on approach to partnering with investors, corporate boards, management, to create accelerated returns, resilient investment, and market leadership.

Green Start-up Will Outperform the Market in 2023-2024
April 21, 2023, Elephant Journal
There’s no part of the economy untouched by sustainable innovation and investment. This includes the proliferation of green or climate tech early-stage ventures.

Saudi Arabia continues to use the ongoing market turmoil to its advantage
April 3, 2023, FXStreet
Saudi Arabia was one of the fastest growing economies in 2022 breaking the GDP $1 trillion dollars record. According to Saudi’s statistics the Kingdom’s economy rose at 8,7% in 2022, faster than any G7 or G20 countries.

Fund-Raising for Startups Just Became Tougher. Time For Entrepreneurs to Shift Gear!
March 30, 2023, Digital First Magazine
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates nine times over the last 12 months. This is in response to stubbornly high inflation which is currently at 6% in the US.

The New World Bank President Will Be From The Global South
March 20, 2023, FXStreet
Having worked at the World Bank for almost 10 years, I understand the importance of selecting a new leader that understands development challenges, and that is both business and politically savvy.
Sustainability Investment Trends And The Role Of Green Startup Going Forward
March 8, 2023, CXO Outlook
Sustainable business and ESG investment have become the norm since 2020. Large corporations are all now issuing sustainability reports and most global companies are integrating Net-Zero into their business models.
February 9, 2023, Que!
Andrea Zanon considera que el país del Golfo se ha convertido en un serio competidor en la carrera por albergar la Copa Mundial de la FIFA.

Davos Economic Forum 2023-A year of potential positive shocks
February 13, 2023, Vocal Media
This year, the Russian, Chinese and U.S. Presidents did not come to the Davos annual meeting. This is not surprising given that these three countries are dealing with dramatic crisis and economic re-adjustments at home.
January 31, 2023, Medium
The November 2022 COP27 climate summit seems old news as we enter the end of January 2023. This is primarily because this year’s climate summit, which was hosted by Egypt, did not produce any breakthrough.
Gulf Country Massive Energy Revenues Will Result In More Investment In Football In 2023
December 15, 2022, Benzinga
With the massive energy surplus financing at its disposal, Gulf Cooperation Council countries will continue to shape the future of football. This will likely result in more acquisitions of football assets particularly in the highly indebted and underperforming football market sin Italy, France, and Spain.

Here is why Entrepreneurs should never let a good crisis go to waste
December 5, 2022, FXStreet
The Italian Renaissance philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 –1527), lived through dramatic crisis, conflict and societal changes that redefined the way leadership, politics and businesses dealt with new power dynamics.
While Climate Summit COP27 Will Under-Deliver, The Market Shifts Towards Sustainability Will Accelerate
November 15, 2022, Benzinga
November 2022 was named the month of sustainability given that the COP27 Climate Summit is taking place during this time. These high-level meetings, however, will not produce any breakthrough given the global recession, high inflation, and geopolitical tensions due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

COP27 Climate Summit: Some key statistics on risk and investment trends
November 9, 2022, FXStreet
As Egypt hosts the most important sustainability event of the year, COP27, the Middle Eastern country is pushing hard on making the summit about decarbonization implementation as opposed to climate commitments.

The Magnificent seven Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds Are Going On The Offensive: Expect more M&A activities from this part of the world
November 5, 2022, Benzinga
As already witnessed after the 2008 financial crisis, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) became more assertive investors during times of financial and economic difficulties.

Saudi Arabia flexes its muscle to project political and financial clout
October 28, 2022, FXStreet
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) will be one the world’s fastest-growing economy in 2022, outperforming the struggling G7 countries as well as all other G20 economies.

Emotional intelligence boosts business growth and it should be prioritized during economic downturns
October 10, 2022, FXStreet
Emotional intelligent people can identify, manage, evaluate, and understand their own emotions and the emotions of people they interact with.

ESG and Sustainability will Continue to Gather Momentum and Attract Billions of Dollars in Investments
September 28, 2022, Benzinga
Momentum is building around ESG. Policy makers, asset managers and business are now more willing to integrate ESG and sustainability thinking in their investment strategies.

How to raise capital during crisis if you are an early-stage company
September 26, 2022, FXStreet
Raising capital over the last 10 years has been relatively easy and inexpensive. This was due to the large impact of the 2008 financial crisis which led to low interest rates and cheap capital.

On International Peace Day, Russia expands its aggression into Ukraine
September 21, 2022, FXStreet
Every year people around the world celebrate International Peace Day on 21 September. While this year International Peace Day was observed on the 15th of September, many countries are celebrating it today.
ESG is the Necessary Evil, and the Markets and Entrepreneurs are Taking Full Advantage
September 21, 2022, Benzinga
A few months ago, I published a piece arguing that ESG will become the new bottom line. This is not a politically motivated statement, and I don’t fully agree with the ESG approach.

Will November economic recovery and sustainability summits deliver?
September 19, 2022, FXStreet
November is a pivotal month for sustainably as the Climate Summit COP27 brings over 150 heads of states to Egypt to advance decarbonization.
Emotional Intelligent People Are Higher Achievers And Have Higher Incomes
September 13, 2022, Benzinga
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the intangible ability which can fast track our performance, success, and impact. It is that leadership trait that sets us apart and makes us interesting and trustworthy. EQ affects how we interact with others, address social challenges, problem solve, and prioritize listening and empowering others.

Strategies to accelerate personal performance and impact
September 12, 2022, FXStreet
As I work with many leaders that have mastered personal performance, crisis management and decision making, I would like to share key lessons I have practiced and learned. I am going to focus on three areas which I believe have the highest potential for short term personal mastery.

Women entrepreneurs is the future of business
September 6, 2022, FXStreet
Women entrepreneurship has become a mainstream topic as women in leadership positions are succeeding across business, finance, and politics. In the US alone, Women started 49% of total new businesses in 2021, up from 28% in 2019, according to the Davos Economic Forum.
November 2022 Is A Pivotal Month For Sustainability
September 5, 2022, Benzinga
As we move to the fall of 2022, we should note that November is a busy month with sustainability and green growth summits and opportunities. These include the Egypt Climate Conference of the Parties COP27 and the Group of 20 summit in Indonesia.

United States billionaires will become the lead investors in European Football
August 29, 2022, FX Street
Since the pandemic of 2020 North American Private Equity and Hedge Funds have been pouring billions of dollars in the European football leagues. They have done so because they have identified massive value-creation opportunity.
US Financial Expert Andrea Zanon “Inter Worth Less Than €1B Right Now Because Of Debt But Have Enormous Potential”
August 24, 2022, OneFootball
US financial expert Andrea Zanon believes that Inter’s value is currently limited by the amount of debt that they have, but that if their financial problems can be lessened there is huge potential for value in the Nerazzurri.
Gli imprenditori dovranno abituarsi all’ elevato costo del denaro nei prossimi 2 anni
August 24, 2022, Medium
La raccolta fondi è rallentata in modo significativo nella prima metà del 2022 visto che il capitale è diventato più costoso, l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina si e aggravate, e i mercati hanno accettato che stiamo entrando in recessione.

November is a month to watch: The football World Cup, the Global Climate Summit COP27, and the G 20 Conference
August 22, 2022, FX Street
As we move into the fall of 2022, we should expect a lot of action around November’s political, climate and sports events. Qatar will host the FIFA 22nd World Cup, Egypt will organize the Climate Conference of the Parties COP27, and Indonesia will host the Group of 20 (G20) most industrialized countries.
How to survive a crisis and use it to your advantage
August 20, 2022, Vocal Media
Personal, financial, reputational, and business crises can be devastating for people, families, and communities. As we look through the multiple crises that have affected us over the last five few years including Covid, the War in Ukraine, the Recession and Inflation, we should take stock of these markets, health and geopolitical crises and absorb the emerging lessons. These can be used for more personal daily decision making.
La inversión en tecnología verde alcanzara los 5 trilliones de dólares para 2025
August 9, 2022, Medium
Los negocios sostenibles representan el único camino viable para un futuro mas sostenible y las empresas que no participen en la descarbonización saldrán perdiendo.
Letter from Italy: Water shortages in north a new threat to European food prices
August 4, 2022, Callaway Climate Insights
It will likely cost 20% to 50% more soon to buy Italian arborio rice (rice used to make risotto), extra virgin olive oil and tomato sauce due to the megadrought affecting Italy.
Megadroughts and massive impacts to environment and economy
August 3, 2022, Environment Journal
Drought is a slow-moving natural disaster, a kind of creeping phenomenon, which destroys livelihood and economies, but the impacts of which show up over a long time-period. As its impacts become evident over a longer time period, it is harder to mitigate.

Invest in yourself and don’t let the ongoing crisis distract you
August 2, 2022, FX Street
I believe the worst of the ongoing crisis is behind us. Over this time, we have experienced personal loss, price spikes, market crashes, health disasters and geopolitical shocks.
Billions Of Dollars Will Continue To Pour Into Italian Soccer
July 31, 2022, Benzinga
While many think the Italian Serie A (the top Italian soccer league) is a well-oiled machine, the Italian league has been lagging Spain, Germany, France, and England since the late 90s. This both in terms of international performance as well as in terms of new investment and innovation.
Green tech investment could reach $5 trillion by 2025
July 14, 2022, Environment Journal
For Canadian and global markets, sustainable business is the only way forward and companies that do not participate in decarbonization will lose out. Green and clean technology “unicorns” are becoming the mainstream, disrupting the renewable energy, food, and mobility sectors.
Central Banks Are Picking Up The Slack On Climate Finance
July 12, 2022, Benzinga
While only a minority of central banks currently have specific sustainability responsibilities, a majority are performing greater climate risk management roles, particularly as it relates to mitigating climate risks that challenge the stability of the financial system.

Financial markets and climate risk
July 8, 2022, FXStreet
Climate change is impacting businesses and societies around the world, making climate risk and sustainability a top priority for companies in all industries. Climate risk is transforming markets and redesigning capital allocation, investments, and growth strategies. Sustainability transactions more than tripled in value in 2021 to $164 billion (Refinitiv).

Companies will face major challenges in raising capital in 2022–2023
July 5, 2022, Medium
Fundraising slowed down significantly in the first half of 2022 as capital became more expensive, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine becomes more serious and markets and corporations accepts the fact that there will be a recession in 2022–2023.
Davos delivers on private sector commitment to decarbonize
June 21, 2022, Environmental Journal
The November 2021 Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow consolidated the momentum toward a transition to green growth and a decarbonized economy. Unsurprisingly, this involved a more robust partnership with the private sector to invest in clean tech and clean energy. One of the key milestones of the COP26, was the United States launch of the First Movers Coalition (FMC).

Key lessons from 2022 Warren Buffet and Charlie Monger at the Shareholders Meetings
June 15, 2022, KivoDaily
As I attended the Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders meeting from April 28th to April 30th, I came back from Omaha with the usual conviction that Warren Buffet and Charlie Monger (the two leaders) have built an investment corporate culture that will outlive many of their competitors.
Canada changes gear and acts on climate compliance
June 9, 2022, Elephant Journal
Regulators around the world, particularly in the European Union and in the United States, are taking action to ensure that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are streamlined in business and investment processes.
Cuatro Escenarios destacados del Foro Económico de Davos 2022
June 9, 2022, Estrella Digital
En mayo de 2022, los líderes mundiales se reunieron en Davos, Suiza, para el Foro Económico Mundial (WEF en inglés), para discutir las tendencias económicas y el riesgo global.
Four Takeaways from the 2022 Davos Economic Forum
June 8, 2022, Vocal Media
Life is finally going back to the pre-pandemic normalcy. In person global summits have regained their place in top executive and politician’s calendars. In May 2022, global leaders met in Davos Switzerland for the World Economic Forum (WEF), to discuss economic trends and global risk.
Davos Economic Forum Launches its own Metaverse Platform: The Virtual Global Collaboration Village
June 7, 2022, Elephant Journal
Metaverse has become a buzz investment word that everybody wants to know more about. It is becoming one technology trend that will shape the way we live, work, and entertain ourselves. Just to give you a financial background on this investment trend, the giant tech companies (Amazon, Meta, Nividia, Shopify, Google and a few others) invested over $10 billion in 2021.
Inspiring books from Berkshire Shareholder meeting 2022
June 2, 2022, Medium
One the the biggest takeaway from the 3 conferences I attend every year (Berkshire Shareholder Meetings, Davos Economic Forum, and the Central Bank President Symposium in Jackson Hole) are the great book recommendations I get from the great leaders that attend these forums.
Canadians can learn from global community about capitalizing on green growth
May 25, 2022, Environmental Journal
The economic cost caused by weather events in Canada is increasing, and according to regional modelers, the damage and losses are rising faster than in most places in the Americas. Furthermore, the pace at which insured weather-related losses are rising in Canada is more than double the global rate.

Andrea Zanon asistió a las Reuniones Anuales del billonario Warren Buffett y aporta sus conclusiones
May 4, 2022, Finanzas
Andrea Zanon asiste a las juntas de accionistas de Berkshire Hathaway. Esta es la quinta vez que Andrea Zanon asiste a las juntas de accionistas de Berkshire Hathaway.
Why Invest in ESG? Does It Make Good Business Sense?
April 25, 2022, Bankless Times
Responsible and sustainable investment results in better outputs and stronger financial returns for investors, communities, shareholders and the planet Earth. This is a key pillar for sustained, inclusive and equitable growth. Environmental, social and governance investing is a strategy everyone should employ to move towards a new value creation paradigm which makes the world a better place.